Random, whether used as an adjective, a noun or as a phrase means pretty much the same thing. It means proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern; a person or thing that is unknown, unidentified, or suspiciously out of place, or to be without definite aim, purpose, method, or adherence to a prior arrangement; in a haphazard way.
My life feels that way sometimes. Pretty much a mash up of whatever happens to come my way. A cosmic lottery ticket, an indiscriminate roll of the dice. Que sera sera, whatever will be will be. But then I remember who I am; I remember 'whose' I am and know that nothing random ever happens in my life. Everything has a purpose, everything is part of the plan. Now I may not understand that plan, I may not like that plan, but I have to keep in mind that God promised in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Nowhere does He say He will always let us know in advance what is going to happen, but He does say that what happens will be in accordance with His plans. Personally I don't like to live that way. My preference is to plan things in advance, get it all worked out and then walk it through. I'd like to think I will have all my ducks in a row, but who am I kidding, I can't even get all my ducks in the same pond!
So as I go over the definitions of random, scripturally that word has no place in my life.
"Proceeding, made or occurring without definite aim, reason or pattern". I was not made without purpose. God said that He formed me in my mother's womb (Jer. 1:5). That He chose me before the foundation of the world, (Eph. 1:4). Not only that but according to Psalm 139:13, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." No person who knits sits down and just starts willy nilly making stitches. They have a plan and a pattern and as they start making those stitches, the work they are doing begins to take shape and soon enough a sweater takes form. They don't take a pattern for socks to make a hat. The plans are precise and detailed...not random. Just as God's plan for us, when He first thought of us were precise and planned.
Second definition of random; a person or thing that is unknown, unidentified, or suspiciously out of place. We have already established that we were known to God before the foundation of the world. Now we need to remember that He placed us in the world at exactly the time that He wanted us to be here. When we read about Esther and her fight to save the Jewish people we see the scripture that says that she was born for 'such a time as this' (Esther 4:14). Just like Esther, we were put here on this earth at exactly the moment and time that God wanted us here. I sometimes sit and wonder what it would have been like to have been born say in Jesus' time, or maybe the 1800's or maybe not here in the United States, but instead in Scotland or Italy. Why here and why now? Truly only God knows that. But I can rest assured, that just as a master jeweler places a precious stone in precisely the correct spot in a priceless necklace, we have been placed exactly where God wants us to be. He knows what we are here for and who we are here for. There are days that I think I don't make any difference at all in the grand scheme of things. I am just using up oxygen on this planet we call Earth. If I went to Tiffany's and was looking at their exquisite jewelry I would be amazed at the craftsmanship. Each stone specifically set in a certain spot. This diamond next to that emerald. This sapphire next to that pearl. I would be shocked to see a piece of gravel set next to a ruby. That is because great planning went into making that thing of beauty. Just so, great planning went into forming you. Great thought went into the process of producing you. Your build, your hair color, your personality. You were formed and created by the Master Jeweler and you are a thing of beauty. Just as you are, just who you are. You were not a mistake. You were not some cosmic joke on humanity. You are not a 'second' or a blem. You are perfect in His sight and you are beloved.
The final definition of random; without definite aim, purpose, method, or adherence to a prior arrangement; in a haphazard way. You were made with a purpose. I know for many of us that seems almost outlandish. Purpose, me? I can barely get up in the morning. I am just a housewife. I just put in my 9 to 5. What purpose is in that? First and foremost we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for His good works, (Eph 2:10). That sounds like a purpose to me. And it certainly doesn't sound accidental or random. We are also made to declare His praise. I think if that was the only thing that I could accomplish on this earth, it would make this whole life worth it. Isaiah 43:21 says God formed His people to declare His praise. He also made us to have fellowship, or relationship with Him, 1 Cor. 1:9. And first and foremost, as it says in 2 Thessalonians 1:12, "so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." Our goal in life should be to glorify God. To show others who God is. His faithfulness, His grace, His mercy, His holiness. To glorify God means to exemplify those attributes, to reflect Jesus to the world. When you want to reflect something, you place it in front of a mirror. If you place a vase of flowers in front of a mirror, you won't see some helter-skelter array of fruit and rocks. You won't see some pile of socks in total disarray. You won't see some haphazard arrangement of books. What you will see in that mirror is a vase of flowers. That is our purpose in life. Not to live some random, superficial directionless life. Your purpose is to reflect accurately, definitely and specifically the glory of God. You are to be His ambassador here on earth and show others the love He has shown you.
So take this not so random thought and go forth and live a life of purpose and resolve...