Turn on the television any given day
It seems this is all there is to life
Pictures of disaster, malice and death
Is goodness a thing of days gone by
Is there no kindness or forbearance left
Charity, courtesy, honor and grace
These ideas have become anathema
When it's so much easier to just get in your face
It's my way or the highway
I have no time to offer you
To stop and listen to what you have to say
Is there nothing better
Is there really no hope
I think it is time we got back to the Letter
That Letter of love, that Letter of mercy
That missive written in blood
You know, the one that brings so much controversy
Love your neighbor, love your enemy
Do good to those who hurt you
This should be your true identity
Speak words of love, reconciliation and hope
Be the good news you'd like to hear
Now that would really be pushing the envelope
Be a picture of our Saviour
Loving, good, merciful and kind
Now that would be newsworthy behavior
The ideology of faith, of a new life in Him
Our lives not our own
Instead to be like Jesus, a near perfect synonym
Yes there is something better
a more glorious way
It is the way of the Father, who sent us that Letter
That Letter of love, that Letter of joy
That precious gift of redemption
That no word, picture or idea can destroy
So today act like our Lord
No matter how you are treated
And that will be the final Word
The Word of love, the Word of peace
The Word of comfort and hope
The Word that will never cease